We believe that a marketplace can be so much more than a place to buy goods. The Black Yield Marketplace is a project of Black Yield Institute within the organization’s Food Supply Chain initiative area. The goal is to operate a network of food retail social hubs in communities across South and Southwest Baltimore that provide Black and local produce, value-added products, social engagement, and political education directly to customers.
The Marketplace aims to increase the availability of healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate foods and other goods in areas where they are desired. The BYI Marketplace specializes in fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable food items and other products from local and black farmers, producers, creatives, and other providers.
The Marketplace couples with organizing tactics to establish other projects like food delivery programs, community farms, and community food cooperatives. The BYI Marketplace is an active solution to food apartheid that creates an experience leading to further involvement in movement work toward Black Land and Food Sovereignty.
Black Yield Institute
Office Address: 1623 Benhill Avenue Baltimore, MD 21226